Camino Frances

Plan your perfect Camino with the Camino Frances App

Discover, Plan, and Track your Camino Frances!
Find accommodation, plan stages, track distance + elevation, and discover the rich history of the Way ❤️

Fluent Search

Fluent Search

Find places and accommodation with fluent search.

Route Timeline

Route Timeline

Your full Camino overview. Quick-view booked accommodation, intermediary stages, distances, and elevation.

Map View

Map View

Highly customisable, fast, and rich with data. Filter stages, variants, and tap into any locality.

Accommodation & Booking

Accommodation & Booking

Find and book accommodation sourced directly from Google, with over 50% of options linked to or WhatsApp.

Elevation & Distance

Elevation & Distance

Accurate elevation & distance metrics allow you to plan stages based on your personal health and exercise appetite.

James Rogers

James Rogers

iOS Review

For anyone planning to undertake the Camino, I cannot recommend this app enough



Reddit Review

Congrats on the app. It's neat, easy to use, and has a good collection of information sources



Reddit Review

I really like your app! I'm a slow walker (old and fat!), so I'm planning 10k days. Your app lets me do that. None of the others do!

Naughty Nocturnalist

Naughty Nocturnalist

Reddit Review

VERY well done. If you need someone to wield an altmeter and/or GPS tracker, let me know.

Solo Travel on the Camino

Solo Travel on the Camino

Waymarks and Symbols to Know on the Frances

Waymarks and Symbols to Know on the Frances

Essential Packing on the Camino Frances

Essential Packing on the Camino Frances

Special Stamps on the Frances

Special Stamps on the Frances

Pilgrims Passport & Stamps on the Frances

Pilgrims Passport & Stamps on the Frances

Transport on the Camino

Transport on the Camino